Website Content


  • Clear, concise content
  • Brand voice
  • Blog writing
  • Image-driven content creation
  • SEO optimization

Brand Content

  • Creation of a consistent voice for your brand
  • Text and design for brochures, flyers, pamphlets, one-sheets and more
  • Creation of themed content for overarching brand look

Social Media


  • Creation of shareable, SEO-friendly social media content
  • Familiarity with most social media platforms
  • Knowledge of Social Media CMS

Journalism Writing

  • More than a decade of experience in storytelling
  • Creation of stories about the employees, customers and stakeholders of your company
  • Clear, concise, accessible writing style
  • AP Style use

Media Relations

  • Years of experience preparing media releases
  • Insider understanding of what appeals to journalists
  • Ability to pitch stories to local and national media
  • Relationships with Utah media

Event Planning

  • Years of experience planning and executing events
  • Creation of timelines and checklists
  • Eye for design
  • Knowledge of logistical needs
  • Ability to act as planner and executor for advance and day-of activities